Celebrate the Life You Love

The hardest thing you’ll ever face is losing a loved one. In a time of deep sorrow, you need a way to honor the life of your loved one in a way to establish an eternal connection. Our Cremation keepsakes are compassionate alternatives for memorializing cremated remains.

With Crystal Companion, it is possible for you to remember and celebrate the bond you shared with someone so precious. You are hurting. Creating a memorial keepsake can help soothe your pain.

In the News

Check out “SBN Newsmakers: Harry Vogel, CEO of MyCrystalCompanion.com, provides gemstones with ashes of loved ones embedded within” from PodcastSteve on Vimeo.

Your cremation keepsake is made by creating a stone in our lab with a portion of your loved one’s cremains. Then, during the patented process, your keepsake will begin to create itself. The essence of your loved one’s life determines the color and design of the stone. The intense depth, loving simplicity, creative complexity, or sweet sparkle of life will be reflected back to you.

To others, your cremation keepsake may look like an ordinary gem, but just as no two people are exactly alike, no two crystal companions are identical. Your keepsake is created in its own crucible from your loved one’s cremains. Then the crucible is destroyed, ensuring that your memorial is yours alone. Our Cremation keepsakes are a chance for your loved one to present you with a final gift of healing.

To learn more about our patented Crystal Companion Memorial Keepsakes, click here to contact us or call 732-458-8700.